Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring has Sprung

All the snow is gone.  The goats are sunning, the sheep are panting in their wool and the dogs are playing.

The kidding season is getting close and several goats qualify for "Wide Load" warning signs.

I'll do my best to keep posting as the babies start coming.  I'm expecting 7 sets of goat babies  (1-5 per set) and 5 or so lambs.  I'm glad the lambs are likely to all be singles since I'm a bit scared of the potential for a goat population explosion. Should be a huge amount of cuteness around here.  Time to tune up the milking machine and get everything ready.

Several garden beds are planted already.  There are greens in the greenhouse and we're now producing enough to keep us in salads.

Happy Spring, stand back at a safe distance!